It's not cheating, it's getting 'er done. Just get Max crafting components because hey, we need a lot of suits for our Legion settlement and there is no time to waist. The Nemesis suit takes a number of components. Then you can switch to another profile with a completely different set of 100 mod plugins! Read more about mod managers for Fallout 4 modding. If you have 150 core mod plugins (mods you CANNOT do without), you can dedicate 100 mod plugins to your New Vegas universe (profile). Mod Organizer 2 has a work around called ' Configure profiles'.

There may be a number of plugins needed for mod functionality of the Nemesis body and therefore it is highly recommended to use Mod Organizer 2, rather than Vortex. Warning! Nemesis body suit is not official in Fallout 4: New Vegas.