Even a safemode boot didn't help in this case.

of 8 - ULTRAWIDE UI FIX (3840x1080) - posted in File topics: In response to post #84945878. The Medium ultrawide, superwide, multimonitor fix By Rose The tools for Microsoft Store/Game Pass, Steam, GOG, and potentially other game versions remove black bars from the game at 21:9 and wider. That being said, if someone takes this on, as usual, I'm happy to donate for a fix that includes triple wide support. Also, fix the physics being tied to the framerate. I have got problem with game with monitor 21:9 ultrawide. The T3A:Online team is happy to announce and immediately release a fix for BFME1's stretched UI, which occurs for players using a Widescreen resolution. Make sure the fix is active as it will remove the black bars and allow for FOV adjustment through the UI or hotkeys. I think this mod is probably the best since it helps patch other mods for visual effects. It has many advanced features and was developed by Bethesda Game Studios. I’m currently dipping my toes into the modding community and I’ve stumbled across using Wabbajack and downloading mod packs. As a result, I cannot see my gold, nor health. Im going to try and debug this issue a little myself, thanks to the repo you've posted. Now rename the created archive to “SKSE64-Scripts” or something similar so you can easily recognize it.